Tuesday, March 18


Pollution Control Board, Assam Recruitment 2020 - Apply For 14 AE, Junior Accountant & Administrative Assistant Vacancy

  Pollution Control Board, Assam. Last Date: 02/10/2020. Pollution Control Board, Assam  has released a notification for the recruitment of ...

 Pollution Control Board, Assam.

Last Date: 02/10/2020.

Pollution Control Board, Assam
 has released a notification for the recruitment of 14 Assistant Engineer (AE), Junior Accountant (JA) and Administrative Assistant - II (AA -II) vacancy.

Pollution Control Board, Assam Recruitment 2020

1. Assistant Engineer (AE)
No of posts: 

Rs.30,000 - Rs.1,10,000 +Grade Pay Rs.12,700
Educational Qualification:  BE, BTech/AMIE in Chemical/Civil/Environmental Engineering from a Government recognized University / Institute.

2. Junior Accountant (JA)
No of posts:

Pay: Rs.14,000- Rs.49,000 +Grade Pay Rs.7,600
Educational Qualification: B. Com/ BBA from a recognized University with minimum 6 Months Certificate/Diploma in Computer Applications.

3. Administrative Assistant - II (AA -II)
No of posts:

Pay: Rs.14,000- As.49,000 + Grade Pay Rs.7,600
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Any Discipline with minimum 6 Months Certificate/Diploma in Computer

Age: Candidate should not be more than 38years and less than 18 years of age as on 1st January 2020 (Candidate must be born on or before 01-01-2002 and on or after 01.01.1982) subject to Govt. notification from time to time.
Relaxation: Upper age limit is relaxable subject to Govt. notification from time to time as under:
i) 05 (five) years in case of candidates belonging to SC. ST (P) &ST (H).
ii) 03 (three) years in case of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC.
The age of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation /HSLC Admit Card/ Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council and no other document shall be accepted in lieu of the mentioned documents.

Application Fee:

a) Unreserved/EWS: Rs. 500/-
b) OBC/MOBC: Rs. 250/-
c) SC/STP/STH: Rs. 250/-

How to apply:
 Applications must be submitted online through the website (www.pcbassam.org) and will be received with effect from 13.09.2020, 12.00 PM Onwards. The last date of receiving application will be till midnight of 02.10.2020.

The Candidates having the required essential qualification for the posts as mentioned above may apply for the posts by submitting their first preference, second preference, etc.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .
 [From 13/09/2020]

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