Monday, March 17


DHS, Assam Recruitment 2020 : Apply For 656 Grade-III (Technical) Vacancy

Directorate of Health Services, Assam. Last Date: 24/09/2020. Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam  has released a notification for t...

Directorate of Health Services, Assam.
Last Date: 24/09/2020.

Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam
 has released a notification for the recruitment of 656 Grade-III (Technical) vacancy in respect of 10 Nos of District Hospital and 03 Nos of Sub-Divisional Hospitals including existing vacancies of different health institutions in the State

1. Pharmacist
No of posts:

Educational Qualification:
 Diploma/ Degree in Pharmacy from Government recognized institute and must be registered under Assam Pharmacy Council.

2. Staff Nurse
No of posts:

Educational Qualification: 
GNM Diploma /B.Sc (Nursing) Degree from any institute / nursing college recognized by Indian Nursing Council and must be registered under Assam Nurses’ Midwives’ & Health Visitors Council.

3. Laboratory Technician
No of posts:

Educational Qualification: HSSLC or equivalent with Diploma / Certificate in Laboratory Technician from Govt. recognized institute.

4. Blood Blank Technician
No of posts: 

Educational Qualification: 
HSSLC or equivalent with Diploma / Certificate in Laboratory Technician from Govt. recognized institute.

5. Dresser
No of posts:

Educational Qualification:
 HSSLC or equivalent with experience in dressing (atleast for 3 years in dressing)

 Reservation of posts for SC/ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC (MOBC)/EWS (Economically Weaker Section)Women Candidates and Differently-abled (DIVYANG) candidates will be as per prevailing Government rules/norms.

 Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit in relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC, ST(P), ST(H) Candidates only.

Application Fee:
 No fee is required to be paid.

Selection Process:
 There will be OMR based Written Test of 100 marks for the above mentioned posts and followed by Skill Test/Aptitude Test of 25 marks. The break-up of marks for written examination for non-technical posts are 75 marks for English and 25 marks for General Knowledge. The shortlisted candidates shall be called in the ratio 1:3 for the skill test in the relevant field and the merit list shall be prepared combining the sum total of written marks and skill test/aptitude test marks with the total out of 125 marks, or any other mode of test to be decided by the Selection Committee due to the present prevailing
situation of COVID-19 pandemic with the approval of Government.

How to apply: 
Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services, Assam (

The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:

(a) 2 (two) copies of recent passport size color photograph duly self-attested.
(b) Birth Certificate/ HSLC Admit/HSLC Board Pass Certificate for age proof.
(c) All Pass Certificates from Boards/Universities from HSLC onwards.
(d) Caste certificate (where applicable).
(e) Permanent residentship certificate/Domicile certificate (if any)
(f) Person with Disability Certificate/Differently abled Certificate (if any)
(g) Employment exchange Registration Certificate.
(h) Computer course Certificate, wherever applicable.
(i) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificates wherever applicable.

The online applications will be available in the Directorate of Health Services, Assam official website ( w.e.f. 10.09.2020 to 24.09.2020 till midnight.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .

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