Monday, March 17


Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2018, Apply Online [ 5494 Posts In Armed/ Unarmed Branch]

Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2018, Apply Online [ 5494 Posts In Armed/ Unarmed Branch] Last Date: 02/06/2018. Assam Police  will ...

Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2018, Apply Online [ 5494 Posts In Armed/ Unarmed Branch]

Last Date: 02/06/2018.

Assam Police will conduct Recruitment rallies in various districts of Assam for filling up of 1851 vacant posts of Constable of Unarmed Branch of District Executive Force and 3643 posts of constables of Armed Branch in the Pay Scale of Rs. 14000-49000/-, with Grade pay of Rs 5600.00(Pay Band-II).

Name of post: Constable
No of posts:
 5494 posts

Pay: Pay Scale of Rs. 14000-49000/-, with Grade pay of Rs 5600.00(Pay Band-II)

Organization-wise number of vacancies:
A) Unarmed Branch of District Executive Force (DEF)
No of posts: 
There will be reservation for ST (P) 10%, ST(H) 5%, SC 7%, & OBC/MOBC 27%. Thirty percent (30%) of the vacancies will be (horizontal) reserved for women candidates in Unarmed Branch of DEF.

B) Armed Branch
No of posts: 
There will be reservation for ST (P) 10%, ST(H) 5%, SC 7%, & OBC/MOBC 27%.
Ten percent (10%) of the vacancies will be (horizontal) reserved for women candidates in Armed Branch. 

Candidates must be Indian citizens, ordinarily resident of Assam.

Age: 18 to 25 years as on 1st January of 2018 (i.e. the candidate must be born on or before 01.01.2000 and on or after 01.01.1993). 

Age Relaxation :Upper age limit will be relaxed for:
(i) 5 (five) years in respect of candidates belonging to SC, ST (P) and ST(H).
(ii) 3 (three) years in respect of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC.
(iii) Additional relaxation of 3 (three) years in respect of trained Home Guards/members of VDPs (registered) who have served for a period of 3(three) years or more.
(iv) Additional relaxation of 10 (ten) years in respect of FMMOs/SPOs (Certificate to this effect from competent authority will have to be submitted).

Minimum Educational Qualification:
i) Un-Armed Branch: H.S. or Class XII passed from a recognized Board or Council for the post of Constable, Unarmed Branch, District Executive Force (DEF).
ii) Armed Branch: H.S.L.C or Class-X passed from a recognized Board or Council for the post of constable of Armed Branch.

Note: Candidates having educational qualification Higher Secondary and above may also apply for both Armed Branch & Unarmed Branch. In such case, in the online application form, the applicant will have to clearly mention his/her preference for the posts of Unarmed Branch & Armed Branch. 

However, the final decision regarding allotment of successful candidates will lie with the Chairman, SLPRB, Assam.

Physical Standards:
i. Height (Minimum)     Male          Female
a) Gen/OBC/MOBC/SC 162.56 cm 154.94 cm
b) ST(H)/ ST(P)             160.02 cm 152.40 cm
ii. Chest (Only for men)                Normal Expanded
a) Gen/OBC/MOBC/SC/ST(P) etc, 80Cm     85 Cm
b) ST(H)                                          78 Cm    83 Cm


Selection Process: Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respect will have to undergo the Physical Standards Tests (PST) and Physical Efficiency Tests (PET). If any candidate is found to have any physical deformity as may be detected by the Medical Officer present in the DLSC, he/ she will be debarred from participating in the other tests.

How to apply: Applications must be submitted online through Assam Police No other forms of application will be entertained.

A helpdesk will be opened at the office of Superintendent of Police of each district to facilitate the online filling of applications. All Candidates will have to appear for their PST/PET & Written Test only from the district under which their permanent Residential address falls.

Online applications will be received with effect from 02-05-2018. The last date for receipt of applications will be 02-06-2018.

official notification click here
Apply Online click here

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