Saturday, March 15


Tezpur Medical College Recruitment 2018 - Grade-IV, Peon, Sweeper, Attendant, Ward Boy/ Girl [132 Posts]

Tezpur Medical College Recruitment 2018 - Grade-IV, Peon, Sweeper, Attendant, Ward Boy/ Girl [132 Posts] Last Date: 23/03/2018. Onl...

Tezpur Medical College Recruitment 2018 - Grade-IV, Peon, Sweeper, Attendant, Ward Boy/ Girl [132 Posts]

Last Date: 23/03/2018.

Online applications are invited for the following posts as shown below under the establishment of the Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent, Tezpur Medical College & Hospital, Tezpur which will be available at the official web site of Directorate of Medical Education, Assam from 12/03/2018 to 23/03/2018 till midnight.

1. Technical Assistant/Attendant : 8 posts
2. Grade-IV (OT BOY) : 4 posts
3. Peon : 23 posts
4. Class IV Workers : 3 posts
5. Stretcher Bearer : 6 posts
6. Grade-IV : 1 post
7. Ward Boy/ Ward Girl : 5 posts
8. Duftry : 4 posts
9. Sweeper : 78 posts

Reservation of posts for woman candidate and physically handicapped candidates will be as per prevailing Govt. rules.
Age: Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 43 years as on 01.01.2018. The upper age limit in relaxable by 5 years for SC, STP, STH Candidates only.

Educational Qualification:
 Class VIII passed

Pay: Rs 12000 to Rs 37500, GP: Rs 3900

Application Fee :
 The application fee of Rs.250/- ( Rupees Two hundred fifty ) only for General Category Candidates and Rs. 150/- ( Rupees One hundred fifty ) only for OBC/MOBC, SC, ST(P)& ST(H) category candidates will have to be paid through Treasury Challan to the Head of Account “0210-M&PH-03-MET&R-105-Allopathy” and the scanned copy of the challan to be uploaded while submitting the online application form.

No fee is required for BPL candidate and they are required to upload their BPL certificate from the competent authority for such exemption of fee along with the application. Candidates who had already applied should upload the admit card/ call letter issued earlier or valid proof of depositing the fee earlier in respect of the post applied for towards fee exemption.

How to apply: Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official web site of Directorate of Medical Education, Assam ( ).

The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:

(a) 2 (two) Copies of recent passport size colour photograph duly self attested.
(b) HSLC admit card or birth certificate for age proof.
(c) All marks sheets and pass certificate
(d) Caste certificate (where applicable)
(e) Proof of Permanent resident of Assam.
(f) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate. Certificate of training experience Extra Curricular etc.
(g) Admit Card issued earlier in respect of the post applied for, if applicable.

Detailed list of eligible candidates for each post along with the details of written test shall be notified in due course of the time and shall be displayed in the website The date of uploading in the website shall be published in the local newspaper for information of the eligible candidates.

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the earlier advertisement for the posts and written tests/interviews (If any) held in regard to below mentioned posts consequent to the earlier advertisements vide No.Janasanyog/9234/13, No.Janasanyog/5325/14 and No.Janasanyog/3333/15 and No.SMET/TMC/Recruit/ 45/2013/245, Dated: 21/01/2014 were stands cancelled.

Those candidates who had already applied to any of the post mentioned in this advertisement in response to our earlier advertisements should apply afresh. However, such candidates need not pay the application/ examination fee again along with their online application in response to this advertisement.

Apply online click here

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